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Academic plan


Semester System

The semester system has been adopted instead of a yearly system. There are three semesters in an academic year. Each semester is of 4 months' duration, which covers instruction, examination, grading, results and a break.

Academic Calendar

The semester system of AUB follows the academic calendar as follows:


Semester Duration
Spring January to April
SummerMay to August
FallSeptember to December


Credit Hour System

The credit hour systrem has been adopted in the academic programs of AUB. Each academic program requires a certain number of credits to complete. One credit hour implies one lecture hour of study per week for a semester. Usually a course has 3 credit hours.

Evaluation System

The evaluation is based on:

(1). A final examination

(2). A mid-term test

(3). Quizzes

(4). Assignments and/or term papers/reports.

The exact distribution of marks may vary from course to course.

Letter Grading

The following letter grading is used:


Marks Obtained(Out of 100)Letter GradeGrade Point Equivalent

Semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average Two kinds of Grade Point Averages (GPA) are used at AUB: Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The GPA is computed by dividing the total earned grade points by the number of credit hours attempted in a given semester. The earned grade points are computed by multiplying the value of the grade point equivalent of the corresponding letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course, e.g. a student securing 'B' grade in a 3 credit hour course earns 9.00 grade points. The CGPA is computed by dividing the total earned grade points by the number of credit hours attempted. Medium of Instruction English is used as the medium of instruction. In order to improve the students' proficiency in English, different types of courses on English are offerd. However the national language is used in some of the courses in the distance mode.